Definition of Chiropractic


Definition of Chiropractic

Chiropractic belongs to the health sciences and is one of the largest branches of paramedicine. Although it is thought to be a new way of therapy becuse of its recent widespread readership, chiropractic is a science that began to be used in 1895. Certainly not as much was known about human anatomy then as now, but the basic idea was the same.



Chiropractic is a procedure in which trained specialists (Chiropractors) use their hands or a small tool to apply a controlled, sudden force to a vertebra. The goal of this procedure, also known as non-surgical treatment of the spine, is to improve its movement and the natural function of the body. Chiropractic can help reduce pain, correct the body's alignment, and help the body function naturally. Chiropractic practices are offered in addition to the diagnosis and treatment given by a doctor. It is a paramedical science, for which research has shown that it has immediate results.

The specialist who practices Chiropractic is called a Chiropractor. The Chiropractor undertakes many ailments that concern the nervous and musculoskeletal system. It offers alternative treatments for any kind of muscle, bone or joint pain or dysfunction. The most common issues that require the intervention of a Chiropractor include:
• Lower back pain.
• Sore throats.
• Muscle pains.
• Headaches.

Chiropractor Treating Woman

Additionally, Chiropractors can treat musculoskeletal pain in any part of the body such as the head and jaws, shoulders, elbows and wrists, hips, pelvis, knees and ankles. Treatments performed by a Chiropractor do not involve medication, instead they include light joint realignment to relieve pain and better mobility, soft tissue massage to relieve spasms and tension, exercises and stretches, to restore flexibility, support joints with special tape for easier healing and constant referrals to traditional medicine specialists.

A chiropractor can never replace a doctor. It is pointed out that a proper Chiropractor does not act directly on the patient's body. He must first carry out a thorough inspection and evaluation of each organism, and especially of the skeleton. Of course, there is also the case for him to refer the patient to a specialist, as he will judge that the case is beyond his abilities.